Welcome to Sens' world of innovation.

Where each tile is a manifestation of technological marvels and design philosophy, blending to craft surfaces that not only look stunning but are built to last.

Dive deep into the intricacies of our product range and the groundbreaking technologies that power them.

Advanced Scanning and Printing

In Sens, we believe that true beauty is in the details.

Our cutting-edge scanning technology ensures that the original texture and nuances of the materials are perfectly captured. By scanning at a microscopic level, we unveil nature's hidden marvels.

This, coupled with the prowess of our ColorTone G5 MK2 chip, takes tile printing to the next level. Harnessing AI, this chip meticulously adjusts printing points on raw porcelain.

The result? A masterpiece that beautifully captures every intricacy, delivering an image clarity 2.5 times sharper than conventional methods.

Pareco ink mixing machine

State of the art ink mixers

Pareco Nitax mixing head

German precision on every droplet

Nano printer head

Micrometric printing technology

Advanced Manufacturing

Crafting Excellence: Beyond the Surface.

Manufacturing isn’t just about producing tiles. It’s about pioneering finishes that set industry benchmarks.

Our finishes include

Qortek EyeGloss+®: A lustrous shine that remains unyielding for decades.

Sateen Sense+®: A semi-matte finish designed for enduring harsh conditions.

Haptik Sense+®: A harmonious blend of QEG+ and Sateen, offering visual depth.

Krust X Sense+®: Matte-rustic surfaces with unique slip resistance and stain protection.

3Deep Sense+®: Bold 3D wall tiles that combine depth with exceptional durability.

Qortek EyeGloss+®

A mirror-like lustrous shine that remains unyielding for decades.

Sateen Sense+®

A semi-matte finish designed for enduring harsh conditions

Haptik Sense+®

A harmonious blend of Qortek and Sateen, offering visual depth

Krust X Sense+®

Matte-rustic surfaces with unique slip resistance and stain protection

3Deep Sense+®

Bold 3D wall tiles that combine depth with exceptional durability

Classic Gloss

Classic Glossy surface that never gets vintage.

Setting the Gold Standard: Uncompromised Excellence.

SUPREME Quality Control

Quality isn't an act; it's a habit at Sens. Our QC facilities across China, India, and Vietnam deploy stringent protocols, testing every batch with meticulous precision. Ensuring only the best tiles wear the Sens emblem.

Driving Innovation: Tomorrow's Tiles Today.

Research and Development

In our state-of-the-art R&D facilities, we aren’t just envisioning the future of tiling; we are creating it.
From eco-friendly materials to next-gen finishes, our teams are always a step ahead, ensuring Sens remains synonymous with innovation.

Distribution Centers

Global reach: From Sens to the world.

In our state-of-the-art R&D facilities, we aren’t just envisioning the future of tiling; we're creating it.

Centrally located in Asia, our vast inventories stand ready for dispatch. Through an exclusive distributor in each of the 19 countries we serve, Sens guarantees quick delivery and unparalleled local support.

Vast Inventory

Endless supply meets global demand.

Container Royalty

Where power meets prestige in logistics with our associates.

Futuristic Freight

Modern machinery for world-class manufacturing.

Black Class Monoliths

Elegance and efficiency in vast numbers.

Precision Packing

Ensuring Sens quality, from our floor to your door.

Ready for Excellence

Poised to transport Sens perfection worldwide.