Crafting Excellence Across Continents

DesignED WITH LOVE IN California | Factories Worldwide

Our global footprint spans across key manufacturing hubs including China, India, Vietnam, using only technology and raw materials from Italy and Spain. At Sens, our factories are more than just production units, they are the heartbeats of our operations. Each factory, whether nestled in the bustling streets of Guangzhou or the historic terrains of Modena, embodies the Sens ethos. Balancing state-of-the-art machinery with the finesse of hand-crafted precision, every location contributes to our global tapestry of excellence. Dive into a visual journey of where Sens products come to life, country by country.

Bahrat factory WH

Bahrat factory QC

BAhrat factory WH

CHINA Factory QC

China Mosaic factory

USA Desing center

Vietnam printing facility

China Packaging WH

India/BAHRAT loading WH

India/Bahrat Galitolli pressing pond

Innovation at the forefront

Research & Development (R&D)

The Sens I&D department is where tradition meets innovation. Here, we push the boundaries of what's possible with ceramic, leveraging cutting-edge technology and timeless design principles.
Explore the spaces where our expert team ideates, experiments, and ultimately, revolutionizes the ceramic world.


Mothership Research facility


Guangzhou new materials testing


Rajkot UV printing test

CHINA craft development

Handmade production masters

UK Product testing WH

Product testing for EU markets

BAHRAT Scanning center

UHD Scanning center in India

Vietnam I&D office

Testing deep carving design

USA Scanning center

UHD Scanning center in California

USa Scanning center

UHD Scanning center in California

Bahrat New material mixer

Galitolli precission mixing vault

Ensuring perfection, one tile at a time

Quality Control (QC)

Quality isn't just a buzzword for us; it's a commitment. Our Quality Control Department stands as a testament to our dedication to delivering nothing but the best. Witness the meticulous processes and trained professionals ensuring that every Sens product meets our exacting standards.

China precission Measuring

Milimetric control over finished tiles

CHina deep uV testing

Deep UV light scanning for imperfections

BAHRat ERROR correction manager

Quickly identifying and resolving issues.


Prepairing tiles for deep UV scanning

UK UE Regulation pass

Testing for EU markets

CHINA HIGH Gloss Verification

Qortek EyeGloss+ validation on tiles


Testing the resilience of the Qortek coating

INDIA HIGH friction nail TEStING

Testing surface for perfect PEI scale

USa impact qc test

testing for high impact resistance

CHINA coating scratch test

Rotary scratching test on EyeGloss+ coating